Rules for GameVerse Standard SOCOM CA: US NAVY SEALs War Matches
Match Notes: In the Match Notes section, write "GV Rules" to indicate adherence to the following rules:

• Weapon Bans: The following weapons are banned: “Ranged Explosives”. Any additional weapon bans such as PMN Mines, Claymores, F90s and Mk-48, must be listed in the match notes.
• Map Bans: Any map bans must be clearly stated in the Match Notes, accompanied by the substitute map choice.
• Notes: If teams choose not to use “GV Rules,” then specific rules must be written out. Anything other than “GV Rules” or specific rules, teams will be accepting the match as default settings per GameVerse rules.

Abuse of Match Notes: If a team abuses the Match Notes, the map score will be halted. The offended team must leave the room before the round ends. A new room must be created, and the match will continue with the score prior to the rule violation. Failure to leave the room indicates acceptance of the rule violation, and the match must proceed.

Cheating and Glitching: Cheating, Glitching and exploits: Cheating, hacking, soft spotting, glitching or turboing in game is strictly prohibited, including wall glitching, map glitching, and the use of modded controllers or devices. Proof of the above violations will result in a permanent ban from GameVerse. Please provide proof of any/all allegations.

Roster Requirements: All players participating in a match must be listed on the team's roster at least 3 hours before the match. "Ringers" are strictly prohibited. Bringing in a player not on the roster constitutes the use of a "ringer" and will result in a forfeit of the map(s) for the team using the ringer.

Match Acceptance and Attendance: If a match is accepted by both teams, they are expected to play. Failure to show up for the match will result in a win for the attending team. If neither team shows up without prior agreement, both teams receive a loss. Leaving a match mid-game without reason results in a loss for the departing team.

Reporting Losses: The loser of the match has 3 hours to report the loss.

Match Format: Clan Matches default to 8v8, with no fewer than 6v6. If the match deviates from this format (e.g., 6v6 or 7v7), it must be clearly stated in the Match Notes. Squad matches will only be 3v3-5v5, please list the team count (3v3-5v5) in the match notes.

Default Settings: Matches are to be played on these default settings unless both teams agree otherwise. Default settings include 11 rounds, 4-minute rounds, Friendly Fire On, and Spectators Off. These requirements will apply to all game modes for the time being.

Map Generation and Selection: Maps are played in the order generated by the map generator. Matches are played as best of 3 maps. The higher-ranked team selects the first map, while the lower-ranked team selects the second. If teams are of equal rank, the team with the lower Team ID selects the first map. The third map selection is based on the team with more wins between the first two maps. If scores are equal, the team with more MVP kills selects the third map. In the event of equal MVP kills, the higher-ranked team selects the third map. As a bonus, the crown holder gets the pick for the first map.

Tiebreaker Map: Will include the following (3) Maps, Crossroads Demo, KillingFields Suppression and Afterhours Demo.
Small Maps Listed:
1) Crucible sup
2) Citadel sup
3) Devils Road sup
4) Boneyard sup
5) Antenora sup
6) Fault demo
7) Blackwoods suppression
8) Summit demo
9) Copperhead demo
10) Siphon demo
11) Anchorage demo
12) Threshold demo
13) Retaliation demo
14) Echelon supp
15) Guidance demo
16) Frostfire demo
17) Liberation demo
18) Fishhook extract
19) Desert Glory demo
20) Abandoned demo
21) Blood Lake demo
22) Blizzard demo
We will be adding more game modes to the above maps soon (extraction, control points and escort).

Weekly Matches: The Crown Holder team must play at least one match per week. Matches consist of a best-of-three maps format, unless otherwise stated in the match notes for a best of five.

Transfer of Crown: If the Crown Holder team fails to play a match in a week, the Crown will be given to the team with the highest rank that has played a match that week. If no teams have played a match, the Crown Holder team retains the Crown.

Option for Best of Three Maps: The Crown Holder has the option to play matches at best of five maps, in an effort to prevent losing the crown due to overpowered maps.

Challenges: Matches between teams are initiated through challenges, and both teams must agree on the time and date. Matches can be either best of three or five maps.

Handling Disconnections: If one or two players from one team are disconnected, the opposing team must have their lowest team member commit suicide to even up the player count at the start of the next round. Failure to do so at the start of next round, will result in a forfeit of the round for the team that did not commit suicide.

Mass Boot: In the event that three or more players get disconnected, the room will be remade from the round count prior to the mass boot, unless the team leaders agree to play out the map.

Hosting Maps: All teams are encouraged to find a neutral host from either team to alleviate constant host changing. If a neutral host can not be determined, The higher ranked team will host the first map, the secondary team will host the second map, and the third map will be hosted by the team with the higher rounds won. If the rounds won are even, it will go to the MVP with the higher kills. If the MVP kills are even, it will go to the higher ranked team. In the event of a Best of five, each team will host their two maps, and map five will follow the guidelines listed above.

Crown Holder Rules:

Weekly Matches: The Crown Holder team must play at least one match every week (Monday-Sunday). Matches consist of a best-of-five maps format, unless otherwise stated in the match notes for a best of three (In which case an admin will have to manually transfer the crown to the winning team). Crown holders must attempt to provide a flexible schedule weekly to defend the crown.

Crown holders must give ALL interested clans an opportunity to play for the crown. The crown holders will defend the crown vs a different team each week, unless there are no different teams to play due to inactivity. If proven that the crown holders are purposefully refusing to give a crown shot to a specific team, they will forfeit the crown to the highest ranked team that has played a match that week.

Transfer of Crown: If the Crown Holder team fails to play a match in seven days, the Crown will be given to the team with the highest rank that has played a match that week. If no team has played a match that current week the crown will then go to the highest rank team.

Rules are subject to change, however if a rule change does occur, the community will be notified. If any major rule change does occur, it will be polled through the community for everyone’s thoughts/opinions.

By adhering to these rules, teams ensure fair and competitive gameplay within the GameVerse community.